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Joining the frequency of your Soul and Body fully and permanently together,

as they are meant to be, for Healing and Beyond.

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What is Soul Body Fusion®?

Soul Body Fusion® (founded by Jonette Crowley, is a practice that goes beyond healing. It helps you to bring more of your Highest Self into your body, so you can lead a Soul FULL life. 

Each of us holds a beautiful soul, but often, for different reasons, we struggle to fully integrate it into our physical bodies. In that disconnected state, it's hard for us to attract the health, wealth, and well-being that are our birthright.

Who is it for?

Soul Body Fusion® is for you, if you

- sometimes feel like your Soul and body aren't in sync

- struggle with feeling ungrounded or not fully present

- know deep down that you should have more balance,  energy and vitality, but can't seem to get there

- suffer from physical, emotional, mental, spiritual complaints and have "tried everything else"

- are curious what aligned embodiment could do for your life

Rock Balancing

What can I expect?

We're gonna have a friendly chat and then start with the Soul Body Fusion®. The process itself takes about 2x10 minutes. The whole session will be about 50-60 minutes in length and in this session we can discuss anything that is asking for your attention.

If we meet in person, we're gonna sit opposite each other and I'll gently place my fingers on your fingers and start the process.

In an online session we do something similar, but from a distance and in the comfort of your own home.

Most people have all kinds of experiences during and after the session. What I hear most often is from my clients is that they get a sense of relief, deep rooted inner peace, valuable insights, more balance and positivity.

Find out what others are saying about their experience with Soul Body Fusion® ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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"Kinga is very generous and kind! The Soul Body Fusion session was gentle and nurturing. Her compassionate presence created a welcoming environment, allowing me to fully relax and follow the process. Throughout the session, I felt things happening in my tummy area, as if healing was happening. I left the session feeling refreshed, balanced, and more connected to myself. 

Thank you so much for all of it, Kinga!"

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"I feel an enormous inner shift. Like I'm a different person, but also more "me".

I have a different perspective, a fresh mindset. I don't feel so overwhelmed anymore. I've been taking better care of myself and making better decisions for my health."

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"During the session I saw a bright light surrounding me. I felt totally at peace.

Afterwards it's like my psychic abilities have awakened. I feel more at ease using them and talking about them, too. It helped me connect with people I didn't know were into spirituality at all!"

I want that!
What now?

To experience the powerful healing and integrating benefits of a Soul Body Fusion® Transmission directly with Kinga, who trained with the founder of this method, you can book by clicking the button below. You'll be taken to the booking page where you can schedule your online session. 

The session will be about 60 minutes and the investment is €177,-


Your booking includes one 1:1 session and two virtual sessions later, one after 7-days, and another 21-days later. You do not need another appointment for these, as you and Kinga will connect "energetically" anytime during those later dates.

Book an Appointment

Click to see availability and book.

You'll be redirected to my scheduling tool Calendly.

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