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Signature Evergreen/Hybrid Group Program

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Welcome to "Claim Your Throne"

​Unlock your true potential and step into a life of confidence, authenticity, and purpose. This program is a holistic blend for the THRIVING of Body, Mind & Soul.

It's created to guide you through a transformative journey of redesigning your life,

using the metaphors of the hero's journey and becoming the King/Queen of your life.

Imagine, if you will, for a moment, that one year from now...
after going through the "Claim Your Throne Program",
you have become the personification of

Well-Being, Power, Confidence, Success, and Joy.
You have gone through a transformation that allowed you to finally Claim Your Throne.
You're living and breathing your Destiny.

Feeling fulfilled, happy, and at ease.
You're curious what life has in store for you.
Every challenge is an adventure for you.
You're a just, fair, and compassionate King/Queen
that rules with heart and Soul.
Imagine, what that would look like for you.

Can you feel it??

Ok, shake it off now. I know, I know, it felt good, right?
Even if you can't see how you could get there, yet.
Even if you don't fully believe
this might be possible for you...

And now, fast forward to a year from now once more...

But now... the difference is, that you decided to
"keep on keeping on" and "figure things out for yourself".
Without a clear plan, a structured program, or support...
where do you think you'll be?
Let that sink in...

This Is For You, If You

  • feel stuck in a life that doesn't feel good (anymore).

  • have the desire to FINALLY BREAK FREE.

  • are willing to take full responsibility for creating the life of your dreams

  • know that there's more to life and that you have a mission, a calling, a purpose to fulfill.

  • are serious about wanting to transform your life and/or business/career.

  • feel frustrated, angry, unsatisfied, or bitter.

  • are lacking clarity: Unsure about what to do or how to move forward in life.

  • are insecure and anxious to move forward and do the things you KNOW would be good for you.

  • find it hard to listen to your intuition and take inspired action.

  • are mad at yourself. You often feel overwhelmed, aimless, worried, regretful, and disappointed with yourself.

  • have been unable to prioritize your own well-being and needs (lately).

  • notice that your body is acting up. You're suffering from increasing pains, aches, and ailments on a physical, emotional and/or mental level.

  • are open to a holistic approach with a mix of psychological, somatic, energetic, and spiritual practices.

  • are willing ánd able to invest in yourself.


My Guidance

It's my gift and purpose to guide you on your life’s journey towards fulfilling your mission and lead a happy, healthy, wealthy, fulfilling life.


I'm here to help you overcome obstacles and create the freedom and dream-life you desire.


With my strong intuition, the gift to read people's energy, and my natural ability to help you create the needed momentum for lasting change, I'm the transformational coach that will guide you towards the light, empower you to trust yourself and your inner wisdom, and help you enhance your skills, gifts, and toolbox to confidently Claim Your Throne as the rightful ruler of your life.

This Program
Will Help You:

  • Get behind the wheel of your life

  • Overcome your fears and limitations/blocks

  • Reinvent yourself and start living authentically

  • Trust your inner guidance system

  • Live in alignment with your values and purpose

  • Stand in your power, with confidence and compassion

  • Always be able to start fresh and transform your life, using my C.L.A.I.M.™ formula

  • Feel free, happy, and fulfilled

  • Create more balance

  • Develop emotional stability and resilience to handle life's challenges

  • Forge an alliance with your body, your intuition, subconscious mind, and Soul

  • Rediscover curiosity, a sense of adventure, and excitement about the world around you

  • Enhance your self-awareness and thrive with intention

  • Consciously collaborate with the universe to manifest your desires, knowing when to surrender to the flow of life and Divine timing.

  • Improve your overall well-being by taking better care of yourself

  • Have healthy boundaries

  • ​Gain clear insight into who you are, what you want, and how to start taking inspired action towards it

  • Live a life that feels fulfilling and meaningful

  • ​Deepen your connections with yourself, life itself, and others


What is the
C.L.A.I.M.™ formula?

The C.L.A.I.M.™ formula is a step by step framework to get unstuck from living the life you don't want and go in the direction of your desires/dreams.


It's a 5-step formula that I created based on my 17+ years of experience as a holistic psychologist, healer, and coach. It's also rooted in my personal experience with transforming my own life, time and time again, and the result of following my inner guidance.


It's a combination of my personal, professional, and spiritual experience, and a co-creation with my Higher Self.

What is included?

After joining, you'll get access to the full curriculum of this program. This consists of:​


  • 6 Training Modules, following my C.L.A.I.M. formula, that you can work through and implement at your own pace

  • 12 month access to the Evergreen "Claim Your Throne" Program and community

  • 2 personal 1:1 coaching calls during the Program to help you navigate your specific journey

  • Weekly live group calls (feedback, support, Q&A)

  • Monthly Mindset, Manifesting & Merge group Coaching: extra embodiment, somatic work, spiritual practices, etc, based on the needs and requests that arise in the group

  • Monthly group Healing/Alignment session (like: Tachyon, Soul Body Fusion, Breathwork, and Kundalini Reiki)

  • Resources (like: Worksheets and Done4You Templates)

  • The powerful support of a community

  • Bonuses:

    • ​50% off of a Personal Human Design Chart Reading

    • Emotional Freedom Masterclass

    • De-stress Level 1 Course

    • Energy Detox Workshop


    • eBook: Empowered Living

    • eBook: Gratitude

    • eBook: Your Aura Type eBook


The Training Modules

Kasteel Cochem


Call to Adventure

The first step is awareness. Without it, you can't breakthrough patterns, intervene, and make changes happen. In this first step you're gonna get crystal clear on who you are, where you are in life and why, and what you want in terms of your mission/purpose/calling, and dream life.

It's the beginning of your journey, moving in the direction you desire.


Leave the Ordinary

No matter how hard you try, how focused and committed you are, or how positive and "high vibe" you get; as long as there's an underlying current of limiting beliefs and unresolved trauma/emotions that's holding you back, you won't get the results you want or you'll find yourself falling back in old patterns.

So the second step is about weeding out the blocks and limitations.


Activate Your Quest

You're ready to take action and start planting the seeds of your new life. Your new beginning awaits.


Ignite Your Inner Guidance

Just as planting a garden is done best in harmony with nature, so do our lives and desires benefit from reconnecting with our own true nature. In this step, you're gonna learn to listen to and trust your intuition.


Master Your Domain

You're finally ready to ascend to your throne. We're gonna celebrate and make sure that you're full of confidence that you'll be able to hold the reigns of your realm steadily, and with compassion. As befits a true King/Queen.


Bonus: Build Your Legacy

Now that you've claimed your throne, it's time to put your mark on and create the optimal surroudings for lasting growth. You're gonna optimize the energy flow of your environment, so it will allow you to enjoy and keep reaping the rewards of your hard work.

What Makes This Program Different?

  • You can join and leave at any time. No waiting for a launch date or for "the doors to be opened".

  • There are no hidden/additional costs.

  • Although the training is pre-recorded, it's not a "one size fits all" format. It's filled with a multitude of tools and modalities, so people with different preferences, learning styles, levels of experience, and belief systems can choose what suits them best. You can try things on for size and see what fits your specific needs!

  • Overall, it's aimed at igniting your passion for life, activating your dreams, and fueling your self-empowerment, so you can start trusting yourself, your intuition, and your decisions. Basically, I'm trying to make myself obsolete 😉

  • Personal support from the creator of the program. Not 6 weeks, not a few months, A whole year!

  • Monthly group healing.

  • A unique blend of modalities that ensure a truly holistic point of view, dealing with the root cause of your struggles. This program combines therapy, coaching, training, and mentorship.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the program?

Can I join the program at any time?

You'll have access to the whole curriculum, all the resources, and bonuses at once. You can go through the training at your own pace, as everyone has a different personal time needed to integrate the shifts and transformations. Since life is unpredictable and a lot can happen, you'll have 12 months access to the program, so you can complete it in your own time and get the support you need.

Yes, the program is evergreen and you can join at any time that suits you best.

What's the price?

For the full 12 months of support, the program, community, resources, and bonuses, the investment is €4.000,- All sales are final.

Do I need to have experience with personal development?

No prior experience is necessary. This program is for people who are ready to take the reigns of their life into their own hands. What is needed, is the willingness and motivation to take action: no excuses. What you'll get, is an environment that will help you get results much faster and easier than you could on your own. 

What if I want more?

There is always an opportunity to get additional private coaching or supplement the program with additional healing or training/courses in specific fields, that are besides the scope of this program. Customized session can include, but are not limited to: trauma therapy, spiritual guidance, and energy healing.

This is for me!!!!
What now?

Congratulations! I see you're ready to go!

Your next phase, the future version of you, awaits!


This program will officially start on September 2nd 2024.

After that you can join at any time.


Numerologically speaking, this date represents the number 1.

In Numerology, the number 1 symbolizes the foundation of opportunities in our lives.

It signifies confidence, power, and action. This number encourages us to examine our present situations and understand that we possess the ability to transform them into whatever we desire. Despite our fears, number 1 motivates us to seize control of our future and welcome new beginnings.


In addition, we'll have a New Moon on September 3rd!

It symbolizes fresh starts, new beginnings,

and the potential for growth and transformation.


You're welcome to reserve your spot now!

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