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Emotional Freedom Masterclass

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In this Masterclass you'll get a ton of valuable information on how to Process Emotions in a Healthy way and become Emotionally Free. We'll cover themes like: The significance of embracing and processing emotions Cultivating inner safety Dealing with triggers and emotional wounds Taking ownership and responsibility for your emotions Enhancing emotional intelligence and stability Respecting others' emotional boundaries Gaining control over your emotional responses Liberating yourself from external influences The role of mindset and thoughts in emotional well-being Understanding the role of emotions (vibrations) in manifesting desires You'll get practical exercises and tools and learn 2 incredible techniques that I myself use daily and normally only teach my 1:1 clients: breathing exercise "presence" and EFT/tapping. After this masterclass, you'll be able to use those techniques for yourself (and others) and have a ton of information to back them up and be motivated to practice them. Also, there is a discount and gift for you in this Masterclass! Language: English. Disclaimer: This workshop is not a substitute for medical care. It's an invitation and opportunity to investigate your complaints from a broader perspective. Always consult a doctor first if you have any health-related issues or complaints.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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