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From Blocks To

The only thing standing between you and success are the obstacles you’ve yet to overcome. Let’s dismantle them together.


Everything you want is on the other side of fear

Beneath the surface of your daily struggles lie limiting beliefs, core wounds, trauma, unresolved emotions, past-life and ancestral patterns.


They have shaped your identity through the stories you tell about yourself and what's possible for you in life.

They have placed a veil over your inner light, dimming your self-worth, making it hard to remember who you truly are, what you desire, and what your purpose is.

You’ve become disconnected from the truth - that you are, in fact, a powerful being, capable of breaking through the blocks and patterns that have held you back for far too long.

Your fears are carefully positioned around the edges of your comfort zone, keeping you playing small and suffocating your dreams.

But it’s time to transform these fears. It’s time to alchemize your roadblocks into stepping stones,

and to let your light shine bright again.

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I'm Kinga, your Guide

and I'm here to tell you: you don't have to do it alone. You can learn to feel safe, trust yourself, and let the flow of life guide you, with me by your side.

With the optimism of a Dreamer,

the Magic of a true Believer,

and a rebel Heart,

I'm here to reconnect you with your TRUE SELF, realign you with your INNER COMPASS,

and propel you towards your PURPOSE.


The Next Step...

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Exclusive healing and coaching sessions tailored specifically to your needs.


Group Programs

Bask in the energy and vibrancy of your Soul-led brothers and sisters,

and flourish together.



Pre-recorded self-paced online courses, masterclasses, and workshops.


As Within so Without

As Above so Below

As the Universe so the Soul

Private FaceBook Group

If you'd like to be part of a Human Design community and get more insight into your unique energetic blueprint, you're welcome to join my private FaceBook group!

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